Blackjack Basics
Blackjack name
The term Blackjack was introduced to the game of blackjack in 1931 by casinos in Las Vegas. The game reached America from in the 1800´s, but unlike the French version of Vingt-et-un, it was proving very unpopular. The casinos needed to attract custom and so invented a new hand to the game.
Origin of blackjack game
Derived from old French card games like "Chemin de Fer" and "French Ferme," the game of blackjack made its first appearance in French casinos around 1700. In France, blackjack is called "Vingt-et-Un," which means "Twenty-and-A." The game garnered it's now-common name of "blackjack" because when a player received a Jack of Spades and an Ace of Spades as the first two cards that were dealt to them, they would win an additional amount of money. Blackjack became popular in the United States around the 1800's and continues to be the most popular casino table game to date.
of Blackjack

Basics of Blackjack
In this game, the player and the dealer (the computer)
are each dealt two cards. The player and the dealer
both try to get their hands to equal twenty-one without
going over. The hand that gets closer to twenty-one
without going over wins the bet. In blackjack, you
are competing only against the dealer, not against
the other players. The rules of play for the dealer
are strictly dictated, leaving no decisions up to
the dealer.
Values of the cards
In blackjack, the cards are valued as follows: An
Ace can count as either 1 or 11, as demonstrated below.
The cards from 2 through 9 are valued as indicated.
The 10, Jack, Queen, and King are all valued at 10.
value of a hand is simply the sum of the point counts
of each card in the hand. For example, a hand containing
(5,7,9) has the value of 21. The Ace can be counted
as either 1 or 11. You need not specify which value
the Ace has. It's assumed to always have the value
that makes the best hand.
How the dealer plays his hand
The dealer must play his hand in a specific way, with
no choices allowed. There are two popular rule variations
that determine what totals the dealer must draw to.
In any given casino, you can tell which rule is in
effect by looking at the blackjack tabletop. It should
be clearly labeled with one of these rules:
stands on all 17s":
This is the most common rule. In this case, the dealer
must continue to take cards ("hit") until
his total is 17 or greater. An Ace in the dealer's
hand is always counted as 11 if possible without the
dealer going over 21. For example, (Ace,8) would be
19 and the dealer would stop drawing cards ("stand").
Also, (Ace,6) is 17 and again the dealer will stand.
(Ace,5) is only 16, so the dealer would hit. He will
continue to draw cards until the hand's value is 17
or more. For example, (Ace,5,7) is only 13 so he hits
again. (Ace,5,7,5) makes 18 so he would stop ("stand")
at that point.
Request another card. You can request a hit as many
times as you like, but if your total goes over twenty-one,
you will Bust and lose the hand.
If you have two cards of the same denomination, a
Split button will appear. You can split the cards
into two hands and play each hand separately. Your
original bet will be duplicated for the new hand,
and each hand will be played out as usual. The number
above the currently active hand will turn yellow.
The split option can only be used once per hand --
you cannot split part of a split hand.
If you select this option, two things will happen:
you will get exactly one more card and then your turn
will end, and your bet will be doubled. When you use
this option, you are betting more money that you will
get a good score with just one more card added to
your starting two.
Whenever the dealer's up-card is an ace, the player
has an option of taking insurance. If the player believes
that the dealer's down-card is a 10 ranking card,
then the player is permitted to place a side bet of
up to half the original wager as insurance. If the
dealer does have a 10 ranking card, the player is
immediately paid 2-to-1 on the insurance bet, but
the original wager is lost unless the player too have
blackjack and tie the dealer. Here player is not insuring
anything, the player is simply betting that the dealer's
unseen card is a 10 ranking card.
Double Down and Split options will only be available
immediately after you receive your first two cards.
If the dealer has an ace showing, you will be offered
a chance to buy Insurance for half of the amount you
bet. When you buy insurance you are, in effect, making
a second bet. You are betting that the dealer has
a natural blackjack. If the dealer does have a natural
blackjack (in other words, his down card is a ten
or a face card), you will collect a payoff of 2 to
1 on your insurance. You will also lose your original
wager, unless you have a natural blackjack too. If
the dealer does not have a natural twenty-one, the
rest of the hand is played out as usual and you will
lose your insurance money.